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Music Industry Slowly Declining

Concert stadiums are completely empty due to Covid-19 (Source: YouTube)

The music industry has taken a harsh hit due to Covid-19 and the pandemic lockdown as it is one of the biggest entertainment industries that revolves around events that require audiences to be physically at a venue cheering.

When the pandemic strike in March, music streaming numbers have been decreasing as people are more focused on surviving the pandemic rather than their favourite celebrities. It has been proven that the music industry will be pushed into a decline of 30%, where every music sector will be affected due to the pandemic and recession.

Social distancing measures and lockdowns were implemented to every country, which forced everyone to stay home. This resulted in over 50 concerts that were planned around the world to be cancelled. From there, companies and event holders lost thousands, close to millions of revenues, resulting in a hard hit on their income. If this continues, many artists and companies might not survive this pandemic.

The K-Pop industry also had a downfall as music shows were cancelled, and even when they could broadcast again, the audiences were empty, therefore, no revenue was made. Online live concerts were an alternative for idols to interact with their fans, and also for the companies to regain the revenue they lost, but not all online concerts do well.

Media taken photo of fans at a concert (Source: Stubhub)

Not only did this virus affect the whole music industry, it affected many celebrities as well as they were either tested positive, or came in contact with patients. This took another toll on the celebrities themselves individually.

Beat Interactive’s official statement about A.C.E who had been tested negative of Covid-19 after coming in contact with patients and will be quarantined for 2 weeks as all schedules have been cancelled. (Source: A.C.E Official Fancafe)

With how the pandemic gives us no sense of security, it might really be unbearable for the music industry, although there are many alternatives, especially with how advanced technology is. But not everyone would be able to support their celebrities while pulling through this pandemic.

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